Ready-mix Concrete

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Previously, PT Adhimix RMC Indonesia was the ready-mix concrete division of PT Adhimix Precast Indonesia. With the increasingly rapid growth of PT Adhimix Precast Indonesia in January 2018, PT Adhimix Precast Indonesia released the ready-mix concrete division to become a subsidiary named PT Adhimix RMC Indonesia, which focuses on ready-mix concrete providers. 

PT Adhimix RMC Indonesia is focusing on ready-mix concrete. We supply ready-mix concrete for projects involving concrete construction. 

Mass concrete structures, such as massive mat foundations, with high product specifications and complex delivery requirements, are our expertise. We supplied mass concrete for significant building projects in Indonesia. 

The products are customized to meet the various construction requirements regarding resistance, finish & management through variable ratios of cement, water & aggregates in the mix.


Just click on the product you want and within a certain amount of time the product will arrive at your project location, including services if you need product technical assistance and consultation, the surveyor team from Adhimix will support and survey your project location in detail.

Fresh Concrete

As a producer of fresh concrete (readymix concrete) we always maintain product quality and quantity. For this reason, in the production process we apply ASTM, ISO and SNI standards both in the use of raw materials (sand, split, cement and additives) until the concrete products are sent to the casting location / customer.

Porous Concrete

Concrete that has a porosity level of 15% - 30% allows water to flow through the pores without affecting the bonds between aggregates. The use of Pervious Concrete is limited to structures with relatively low strength requirements and for certain structures that require water flow speed (drainage).

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